Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key

Embark on a journey of lexical enlightenment with the Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key, an indispensable guide to unlocking the intricacies of vocabulary and enhancing your linguistic prowess. This comprehensive resource delves into the depths of word definitions, synonyms, antonyms, usage, and more, empowering you to navigate the complexities of the English language with confidence.

Vocabulary Definitions

The following table provides the definitions, parts of speech, and examples for the vocabulary words in lesson 10:

Word Definition Part of Speech Example
Abrogate To repeal or annul (a law, treaty, or agreement) Verb The government abrogated the treaty because it was no longer in the best interests of the country.
Ambiguous Unclear or doubtful in meaning Adjective The instructions were ambiguous, so I wasn’t sure how to proceed.
Enigmatic Puzzling or mysterious Adjective The enigmatic stranger refused to answer any questions about his past.
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time Adjective The ephemeral beauty of the flowers made me appreciate their presence all the more.
Fortuitous Occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way Adjective The fortuitous meeting between the two friends led to a lifelong bond.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The following table provides synonyms and antonyms for the vocabulary words in lesson 10:

Word Synonym Antonym
Abrogate Repeal, annul Enact, ratify
Ambiguous Unclear, doubtful Clear, unambiguous
Enigmatic Puzzling, mysterious Clear, straightforward
Ephemeral Short-lived, fleeting Permanent, lasting
Fortuitous Lucky, fortunate Unlucky, unfortunate

Word Usage

The following table provides examples of how the vocabulary words in lesson 10 are used in sentences:

Word Example Sentence
Abrogate The president abrogated the treaty because it was no longer in the best interests of the country.
Ambiguous The instructions were ambiguous, so I wasn’t sure how to proceed.
Enigmatic The enigmatic stranger refused to answer any questions about his past.
Ephemeral The ephemeral beauty of the flowers made me appreciate their presence all the more.
Fortuitous The fortuitous meeting between the two friends led to a lifelong bond.

Figurative Language: Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key

The following table provides examples of figurative language used in lesson 10:

Type of Figurative Language Example Explanation
Simile “Her eyes sparkled like diamonds.” Compares two things using “like” or “as”
Metaphor “He was a lion in battle.” Compares two things without using “like” or “as”
Personification “The wind whispered through the trees.” Gives human qualities to non-human things

Context Clues

The following table provides examples of how context clues can be used to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in lesson 10:

Context Clue Meaning
The enigmatic stranger refused to answer any questions about his past. Enigmatic means mysterious or puzzling.
The ephemeral beauty of the flowers made me appreciate their presence all the more. Ephemeral means lasting for a very short time.
The fortuitous meeting between the two friends led to a lifelong bond. Fortuitous means occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Word Study

The following table provides the etymology of the vocabulary words in lesson 10:

Word Etymology
Abrogate From the Latin word “abrogare,” meaning “to repeal”
Ambiguous From the Latin word “ambiguus,” meaning “doubtful”
Enigmatic From the Greek word “ainigma,” meaning “riddle”
Ephemeral From the Greek word “ephemeros,” meaning “lasting for a day”
Fortuitous From the Latin word “fortuna,” meaning “luck”

Answers to Common Questions

What is the purpose of the Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key?

The Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key provides comprehensive solutions to the vocabulary exercises in Lesson 10, enabling learners to verify their understanding and reinforce their knowledge.

How can I use the Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key effectively?

Utilize the Answer Key as a study companion, cross-referencing your answers to identify areas for improvement and solidify your grasp of the vocabulary concepts.

What types of exercises are covered in the Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Answer Key?

The Answer Key encompasses a wide range of exercises, including vocabulary definitions, synonym and antonym identification, word usage examples, figurative language analysis, and context clue interpretation.

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